Last month, I had the great pleasure to meet Nathan Everett for an afternoon coffee while he was passing through town on his new release tour for The Rubricant. I first met Nathan this last spring during Armchair BEA. He served as one of the sponsors for the event, and very generously shared free e-copies of his past works with our participants. With kindness like that, how could I pass up the opportunity to meet him in person?!?
Within an hour's time, we shared blogging stories, chatted about how his book tour was going so far, and discussed writing in general. I was able to pick his brain on how he has progressed in the writing and publishing world. We conversed about cover designs, National Novel Writing Month, and what is to come for his career.
As we parted ways and I traveled home, my mind ventured to the perks of today's technology. Thanks to the internet, authors and readers are connecting in a way that they have never before. Social media is creating bridges that previously did not exist and the possibilities are expanding exponentially. The really crazy thing is that Nathan must have been thinking along the very same lines because the very next day he wrote The Changing World of Book Marketing and the Rise of the Independent Book Blogger. Being the published writer, Nathan added his eloquence and own experiential wisdom to the topic.
Thank you Nathan for the great conversation and the inspiration! I look forward to the next chat, either online or in person! In case you missed Nathan's special guest post, click on over and discover the secrets behind the ink on the pages you read!
How has social media helped to connect you in special ways?
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