Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tales to Tomes: Room by Emma Donaghue (February 2011)

Are you ready to start reading and chatting?!?  Today marks the kick-off of my new online book club known as Tales to Tomes.  This month our selection is Room by Emma Donaghue.  We will be discussing on Facebook, Twitter (via #tales2tomes), and right here on the blog at the end of the month!

Don't forget to get your submissions to me for next month's selection by Thursday, February 10th.  Votes will be launched by Saturday, February 12th and will run for approximately one week.

Until then, happy reading and chat with you later!


  1. Listened to 1 of 9 yesterday. So I'm ready. :) See you on Twitter.

  2. Well, my library has 128 hold requests for this one so it doesn't look like I'll get to it this month. Looking forward to future selections though!

  3. 365andMe . . . You are already so far into this book! I've decided to pick it up tonight, so I will be chatting soon!!

    lisa :) . . . Looking forward to you participating in future selections! Don't forget to share what you want to read! I posted a list of my recommendations in my most recent Sunday Synopsis post! :)

  4. Tif, My schedule has changed again. I won't be online to chat on Saturday or Sunday and maybe not much on Friday, so I'm trying to get as much done Monday - Thursday. Plus, the book is pretty engrossing, at least the audio format is.

  5. 365andMe . . . I'm reading it and it takes a bit to get into the language, but I definitely agree with engrossing though. I've read the first chapter and can't wait to get back to it!

  6. Tif, just finished. The ending was good. I was sort of worried it would end badly. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief. :)

  7. 365andMe . . . Wow! That went quick!! Now, I can't wait to chat with you more about it!! I will let you know when I finish.

  8. Remember, I might not be able to get on the internet much on Friday and I'll be gone this weekend. I'll be back on Monday though.

  9. 365andMe . . . Well, I look forward to chatting on Monday. I'm hoping to be done by then! I will work on finishing it this weekend during the Super Bowl!

  10. Tif, I'm back on Twitter. So whenever you're ready, I'll be there.

  11. 365andMe . . . I didn't get hardly any reading done this weekend! My husband was actually home, so we worked on a multitude of projects that we haven't been able to over the last month or so! Back to it tomorrow though and will be chatting away!

  12. Tif, that's how my reading schedule is ending up. I'm reading Su or M - Thu. The weekend is for movies. :)

  13. 365andMe . . . I really have not even been reading that much the last week. I did watch a good movie this last weekend, and am hoping to get back to reading tonight! I need it!! :)


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