Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Synopsis: January 30, 2011

I cannot believe how fast 2011 is flying by already; afterall, tomorrow is the last day of January!  But, that also means that Tuesday marks the beginning of February and the kick-off of Tales to Tomes Online Book Club hosted by the one and only!!  I am so excited to read our first selection, Room by Emma Donaghue.  The word around the blogosphere is that it is good!

Speaking of the book club, I was asked by a few different people to share what books I would like to read for the group based upon what I already have on my shelves.  I literally have at least one hundred books on my physical TBR, so narrowing it down is a difficult task.  However, I was able to pull something together and I have listed a sort of top ten list for you!  In no particular order, the top ten list of books (with links to descriptions) that I would include as options for Tales to Tomes:

1.  Matched by Ally Condie

2.  Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

3.  The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf

4.  The Mermaid's Mirror by L.K. Madigan

5.  Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones

6.  Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

7.  Little Bee by Chris Cleave

8.  Magyk by Angie Sage

9.  Anything by Joe Hill

10.  Anything by Jodi Picoult

What do you think of this list?  Would you add anything else?  (All books entered by February 10th will be put to vote for our March selection!)


  1. I read and reviewed Little Bee last year. I'm certainly up for reading Middlesex, as it's probably going to be a book club choice in my bookclub, and Rebecca is an absolute classic, so if you read that one I'll happily re-read it. I really ought to read Diana Wynn Jones, too - I don't think I've ever read anything by her.

  2. Tracy . . . I haven't read any Jones, but have been recommended so many times to do so! Be sure to vote on the poll when it is posted and we may get to read some of these together!! :)

  3. Will do, Tif. How are you getting on with your challenges? I did post an update on mine on 31st, but I doubt I'll do that every month.

  4. Tracy . . . It's a slow start on the challenges because I'm on a chunkster (The Count of Monte Cristo). I try to do a monthly update in my Sunday Synopsis posts, so I will probably do one this weekend! I don't think I've seen your update post yet. I need to check that out!

  5. I would re-read Dogsbody or Rebecca with you!

    Books that I want to read this year but might appreciate some companionship with are:
    Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
    The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon
    The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt

    Those are my first few ideas. I'm sure I could come up with many more!

  6. Kristen M. . . . I'm adding your suggestions to the list and will be posting about them in the next few days for voting! Thank you!


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