Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Synopsis: August 8, 2010

Wow!  It has sure been a fun week with Once Upon  A Week!  I had a great time writing and reading about fairy tales and have been inspired for my upcoming Fairy Tale Fridays!!  In case you missed anything, here are the posts for this week's event:

What's coming up this week?  I've got so many great things to post about . . . I just hope that I have enough time to get everything written!  With the start of the school year for both my son (who will be starting Kindergarten) as well as myself (for the local University I work at), I will be trying to get as many things scheduled as possible.  In the meantime, here are a few things on tap for this week . . . 
  • Guest Post by Wyatt Bryson on White Washing
  • Review:  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling (with another fun wizarding recipe!)
  • The Top 100 Children's Books Challenge (I'm throwing in my hat!)
  • My Countdown to Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
  • Review:  Only in New York Darling! by Virginie Sommet

I may get more things posted and I may not.  And, I may not stick with this list either!  You never know when I get a bug to write about something completely different at the last minute!  I always reserve the right of spontaneity!!  :)

Lastly, I want to leave you with a brief listing of what my reading goals will be for the next few weeks.  I've got a lot of reading planned and I'm hoping I can meet some reading deadlines that I do have on a couple of titles.  Here's a quick peak . . .
  • Currently Reading:  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling (no surprise -- loving it!)
  • Reading Next:  The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (thanks to your vote!)
  • Currently Listening:  Incarceron by Catherine Fisher (and I can't finish it fast enough because it is that good!)
  • Listening Next:  Childhood Favorites, including Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, and The Tale of Despereaux (feel free to share if you have votes for which should be listened to first!)
  • Work-Related Reading:  Acts of Faith by Eboo Patel and The Wisdom of Listening by Mark Brady (really need to get on these ones!)

What are your reading goals this week?


  1. To read all the books on my shelf...of course, this will take longer than a week. :)

  2. J. Kaye . . . I hear ya! I've actually been debating a purge of my TBR because it is soooo overwhelming these days!! I have never done this before though, so it's a bit scary!!


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