Sunday, August 1, 2010

Literary Locals: August 2010

Last month for my Literary Locals, I decided to play a little guessing game about one of my personal literary destinations.  For those who do not remember, I have copied the pictures and the clues for you again below:

Clue #1:  The man in question is better known for his pen name than his real name.

Clue #2:  This great American author created a club known as The Angel Fish and Aquarium Club.

Clue #3:  He was a man that came in with Halley's Comet and also went out with it.

Clue #4:  The first "break-through" piece of work for this author was published in November 1865.

Clue #5:  The author was a huge supporter of civil rights, from abolition and emancipation to women's rights and beyond.

Can you guess not only the author that I speak of, but also the location?  

Now for the answers . . . 

The author I speak of is Samuel Clemens, or better known as Mark Twain.  Everyone who submitted answered this question correctly!!  Woohoo!!

Unfortunately, it was the second question that entrants had a little difficulty, with only three getting it completely correct!  The location is Hannibal, Missouri . . . The place where Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain spent his childhood!

For those who answered both questions correctly, you were entered into a random drawing using for the opportunity to pick one of the books from my prize box!  And, the winner is . . . 

Carol M

Congratulations!  I have emailed you and am awaiting your response!  

For those who are also joining this month in supporting local, please feel free to use the Mr. Linky below.  And, be sure to check back next month for more local favorites!!


  1. Tif what a super fun idea! Sorry I missed this! I will have to think about this to see if I can join in. :D

  2. Sheila (Bookjourney) . . . I would love to have you!! Nothing beats a little local literary love!! :)

  3. Thanks for the recap...I missed last months too. :( Congrats Carol M!

  4. I read a riveting true story of the survival of an 11-year on the ocean for four days after the horrific murder of her family. The 11-year old girl has since grown up become a mother and a grandmother, and is a resident of my small town of Kewaunee, WI. Her story captivated the nation in 1961 and she has finally written a book about her survival.


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