Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Countdown to Mockingjay!!!

For those who are highly-anticipated Mockingjay fans, I could not help but post about the ultimate countdown to release day!  I have truly not been this excited about a book release since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and I must say that it is about darn time for this enthusiasm to show itself once again!

For those unaware of what Mockingjay is, I will refresh your memory . . . It is the third and final installment of The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins.  These books are truly brilliant in so many ways . . . plot, symbolism, characters, etc. . . . that I was immediately drawn into the story and will be keeping these books on my re-read pile for many years to come!  They are truly worth multiple re-reads!  In case you missed it, here are my reviews of The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.

Also, for those that are not aware . . . Mockingjay is set to be released on Tuesday, August 24th.  Until then, Scholastic is doing some major marketing campaigns because of the high levels of anticipation.  Throughout this month and leading to the big release day, many of my favorite book bloggers and even a few that are new to me will be representing the 13 districts from the series, focusing on specific topics and offering some amazing giveaways!  I have listed each of them for you below with their announcement post. As their tour posts go live, I will come back and update these as well!

District 1:  Galleysmith

District 2:  SciFiGuy

District 3:  Word for Teens

District 4:  GreenBeanTeenQueen 

District 5:  Dear Author

District 7:  Novel Novice
Tour Post:  Coming August 16th
District 8:  Jenn's Bookshelves
Tour Post:  Coming August 18th

Tour Post:  Coming August 20th

District 10:  Presenting Lenore
Tour Post:  Coming August 23rd

District 11:  Mundie Moms
Tour Post:  Coming August 25th

District 12:  The Book Smugglers
Tour Post:  Coming August 27th

District 13:  Beth Fish Reads
Tour Post:  Coming August 30th

I would also recommend that you check out On Our Minds @ Scholastic too!!  They've got a lot of great Mockingjay chatter over there as well!!

And, if you have not yet checked out the books, you may want to go out and do so now!  I'm actually very serious . . . GO!!!  


  1. Seriously...check it'll even prefer to sit in a hotel room and read instead of be out on the town in New Orleans ;0)..... I can't wait for this book Tif!!!!!

  2. Okay, okay! I'll start reading this series already! Enough with the peer pressure, Tif. ;)

  3. I'm one of those who hasn't read it. Nona, my daughter, has and she's on the waiting list at the library for this one.

    As soon as the books are read on my shelves, I plan to.

  4. Mandy, The Mother of All Chaos . . . We will have to compare notes when we are done reading it! Are you planning on buying it as soon as it is released?!?

    Rebecca :) . . . It's about time!!! Keep me posted on what you think!! I hope that I haven't ruined it for you!

    J. Kaye . . . Good luck with those books on your shelves! These are definitely worth the wait!! :)


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