Saturday, September 19, 2009

You've Sold Me!!

I'm a little behind in posting this, but I still thought, "What the heck? Why not?" Therefore, here I am!!! My theory these days is Better Late Than Never!!

So anyways . . . Day 4 of Book Blogger Appreciation Week was the day for us to share what book we discovered through a fellow blogger that we went out and read ourselves, simply because of their review. As I was doing some perusing, I knew that I had a few of these, but simply could not find which ones they were! Maybe it's because my so-called organization these days is so poor or completely lacking? Or, maybe because I am behind on my reviews? Or, maybe I added the book to my ridiculously large TBR pile and it is now lost (but not completely forgotten)? Whatever the reason may be really does not matter at this time! I decided just to highlight a couple of books that have been resonating through the whole blogosphere lately. I've seen them on multiple blogs, so to mention just one would be unfair. And, I simply cannot remember every single blogger or even the first in which I had seen these books and knew that I just had to have them! When I really think about it, I actually believe that I may be the only one that has NOT read them!! I guess I better spend some more time reading, so I can finally read them myself and know what all the talk is about these days! I'm feeling so left out!!

Well, enough talk . . . here are the books . . .

Have you read them or would you like to join ignorant me for the time being?

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