Monday, February 9, 2009

King Says Meyer Can't Write!

Anyone fans of Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, and/or Stephanie Meyer? If so, have you read the latest on King's opinions of the latter two? If you have not read the latest, here's a link over at the USA Weekend blog.

In a nutshell, King believes that Rowling and Meyer serve their purpose in writing for the younger crowd. The difference between the two is that Rowling is a "terrific writer" and Meyer "can't write worth a darn." He also shares his opinions on other popular writers, including Jodi Picoult, James Patterson, and Dean Koontz.

Since originally reading this article, I have come across a few other sites in which readers share their opinions on the matter. I have noticed that many have very strong reactions to his views. Many criticize him for his comments and retaliate with comments bashing his own writing. Others agree with King that Meyer is rather weak in her writing.

As for me . . . Stephen King is one of my all-time favorite authors. I remember admitting this to a friend years ago who was pursuing her doctoral degree in Linguistics at the time. She said that if the academic elite (at least in her circle) read King, they never admitted to it! Well, my opinion . . . he is a brilliant writer!! He has his books that are better than others, but most authors do. I think that he is one of the best modern authors and much of his work will not be completely appreciated until many, many years from now. He is often known as the "king" of horror, but his writing is so much more beyond the macabre. As for Meyer . . . her stories are popular. I've enjoyed them. They are definitely not the most literary or best written of the many that I have read, but they are fun nonetheless. In the end, it does not really matter to me because I personally enjoy reading books from both the literary sense as well as just for fun, all depending on my mood. But, if I had to choose between King and Meyer or even Rowling and Meyer, Meyer would lose out every time!!

What do you think about this hottest debate?


  1. i didn't get a chance to check out the link to the article, but i agree with you. meyer will always rank last in my opinion. while I enjoy her books for fun i think they are purely that- fun. sometimes it bothers me when people compare her to Rowling or even think she is better than Rowling. I don't think they even compare. but it doesn't bother me too long.

  2. Agreed. Meyer is a good writer, but not exactly a literary giant. I'm not so certain that is what she is aiming to achieve, at least with the Twilight series. I love the books, I love the plot, they keep me entertained, but I think of that as more like brain candy. And I don't know, but I feel like we're comparing apples to oranges with King and Rowling in the mix.


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