Monday, November 26, 2007

Simon's Hook by Karen Gedig Burnett

When I was working in the elementary schools as a counseling intern and volunteer, I worked with students in a variety of ways -- from classroom meetings to small friendship groups to even on an individual level. This book was always on my must-read list no matter the number of students, not only from my perspective because it taught such great lessons to the kids, but also for the kids because they loved it so much! They always had such a great time with it!

Simon is a young boy who is having a horrible day. He gets gum in his hair, has to cut it out, and tries to hide it by wearing a baseball cap. Unfortunately, while playing outside with his friends, the hat falls off and his friends begin to make fun of his hair and call him many names. Simon runs away to good old Grandma's house and she has quite the lesson to teach him! By using a fishing analogy, Grandma Rose teaches Simon five different ways to deal -- ignoring, distracting, agreeing, laughing, and removing. What great lessons to teach your child, especially non-violent ones! (And, honestly, the lessons can be great for more than just young kids!)

The book is very interactive, including a role-playing game at the end! If you have never checked this out and you have kids or work with them, this is a must-have!


  1. I love this book as well. I am a former school counselor and love using books with my students to teach life skills. I would love for you to check out my site

    1. Shanna Goff-Sulak ... Thank you for stopping by and sharing the love of books!! I will definitely check out your site!


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