Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Night Swimming by Pete Fromm

Night Swimming is simply a collection of short stories, but they are truly far from simple. The stories are based on people's everyday lives, our very complex every day lives. Fromm has an amazing talent of getting into people's heads, and surprisingly, both male and female. In fact, I believe it was his last story that he later expanded on to write As Cool As I Am, the main character being a teenage girl. Many of the stories I wish he expanded on further. I was sucked into many of the stories in only a few short paragraphs and Fromm left you wishing for more of each character. Some characters you immediately loved, others hated, and yet others even scared me (but not in the sense of Stephen King fright, but more in that horrible things can happen to everyday people).

I believe that Fromm is such a talented author. He writes beautifully, develops his characters superbly, and best of all, is from Montana!! I guess I may be a little biased on that last point though! :)

Since I am on the subject of Pete Fromm, I thought that I would also share one of my favorite books, Indian Creek Chronicles. This book is a memoir of Fromm's time that he spent as a young man in the mountains alone. If you were in his place, away from all civilization, no one to talk to, and not even the warmth of the sun at times, how would it affect you? Personally, I think he handled very well! :) I highly recommend this read!

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