Saturday, August 25, 2007

Board Books by Sandra Boynton

I have had a few people asking me lately on recommendations for good children's books, so I thought that I would also post some of my personal kids' favorites periodically, both for fun reads for kids as well as those books that I have used when working with young children in the counseling setting.

Right now, my son and I love Sandra Boynton! Her little board books have a great rhyme and rhythm to them and we can read them over and over and over again (and we do!). Here are a few of our favorites . . .

Barnyard Dance

Can you imagine a bunch of farm animals square dancing? That's what this book is all about! It is such a cute idea, and with the sounds of the animals included, you can't help but want to swing your child around while reading it!

Horns to Toes and In Between

This is such a cute book with monsters talking about their body parts and the purposes of each part. For example, "We've all got a mouth so we can eat, sing, or talk and we've all got two feet so we can go for a walk." While reading it with my son, we always find our own body parts and "shake and shimmy" at the end!

Moo, Baa, La La La

"A cow says moo. A sheep says baa. Three singing pigs say La, La, La." This is how it starts out and it makes me laugh every single time! Boynton's sense of humor is so completely random, and I love that she throws random things in her stories just like this. It makes it so much fun, and from an educational perspective, a great way to get your children involved in learning the sounds of their favorite animals.

Snuggle Puppy

I have saved this one for last because it is my personal favorite. It is one of Boynton's more recent stories, and it is so completely sweet. It includes a little song that you can sing to and about your child. In fact, this is a common song in our household that oftentimes, is the only thing that will calm my son when he is upset. And, on the other hand, it is one that we have a ton of fun singing in the car on road trips because we change the animals to snuggle monkey (this is usually the one my son prefers!), snuggle elephants, snuggle lions, snuggle daddies, etc. You never know what your child may come up with next! :)


  1. I love Sandra Boynton, the doggie book is Grants favorite. I am lost on the name at the moment but it is the one with all the barking.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I love Snuggle Puppy too. I've read it both times I've babysat at your house. So cute! I'll have to look up Boynton's work today at the library.

  3. I read Horns to Toes to Megan EVERY night before bed when she was a baby and a toddler! I can still recite it!

    "Oh we've each got two horns on the top of our heads..."

    It got all drooled on and eaten by Brooke though. The 3rd kid can really wreck some havoc!


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