Sunday, February 10, 2019

BOOK CHAT: Best of 2018

Every year, I share with you the best of the year.  Each year looks a little different, but you can always count on at least my favorite reads of the year.  This year will be no different.  It just happens to be coming at a much later date than usual.  Because . . . life.

I think my favorite book of the year was Dear Martin by Nic Stone.  I listened to it on audiobook towards the beginning of the year, but it has stuck with me all year long.  When I recently went to the bookstore, I saw it sitting on the shelf and I knew that I had to have it for my own personal collection.  It is one that I will likely revisit because it is a quick read that I will extract new things from each time I read it.  If you have not yet read this story, you will want to add it to your list sooner rather than later. 

Other favorites of the year was Ghost Knight by Cornelia Funke, another story I digested in audio format.  I enjoyed it so much that I immediately recommended it to my son and he immediately checked it out from Overdrive to take a listen for himself.  I also enjoyed the Finishing School series by Gail Carriger (i.e., Etiquette & Espionage, Curtsies & Conspiracies, Waistcoats & Weaponry, and Manners & Mutiny).  This was such a fun series to listen to, and I couldn't get through them fast enough.  Lastly, Amy Poehler's Yes Please came into my life at just the right time, and listening to her read it made all the difference in the world.  I didn't always agree with what she had to say, but I did relate to so much of it way too often.  It made me laugh and cringe and even cry, and at the time, it was just what I needed.

As I look back on my favorite reads for the year, I realize that every favorite was actually an audiobook.  Most of my reading in 2018 was actually via audio; 23 of the 44 total books to be exact.  I also discovered that it was my worst year of reading yet (at least of the years that I have been tracking).  I hope that 2019 will see an increase in my reading, no matter what the format may be.  I can definitely use the escape at this point.

I leave you with my top nine pictures from the year as well.  There are not as many books featured this year, but I will admit that most of them were some of my personal favorite pics that captured my year fairly well.  Here's to hoping for more book pics and more travel pics, as I adventure both in and out of the pages!

YOUR TURN:  What were some of your favorite reads of 2018? 


  1. I have to look into Dear Martin. My favorites of 2018 were:
    I like picking a favorite in each format (print, ebook, audiobook) and genre

    1. Emma at Words and Peace ... I have not read a single book on your list of faves. I need to!!

  2. If you liked Yes, Please, you might also like Tina Fey's Bossypants, also great in audio.

    As for my favorite reads of 2018, hmmm...let me go look back...among them: The Hate U Give, The Poet X, Behold the Dreamers. All of which I highly recommend.

    1. Bryan G. Robinson ... I have also read Bossypants. I think I like Poehler's book even better!

      I've read The Hate U Give, and really enjoyed that one. I need to check out the others.

  3. I have been enjoying audiobooks much more lately than I have in the past. I think they allow me to turn off my thoughts while doing something mindless instead of obsessing and rehashing things I can't do anything about. Much more productive to get lost in a good story! I'm glad that you can do that too. :)

    1. Kristen M. ... I'm so thankful for being able to get lost in a good audiobook these days ... at least on the days that I can!


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