Saturday, June 23, 2018

WEEKLY WANDERINGS: Check-In & #Bloggiesta Weekend

Well, it appears that I've been away for a while.  Where in the world did the time go, especially considering that I've been on summer break?!?  Well, I did do a little traveling, and I have been running my kids to and from camps, and we did have an evacuation scare for potential flooding (don't worry, we are safe and clear!).  I have been busy, but there really is no good excuse as to why I have been away from blogging.  And, it's time to change that.  What better timing than a weekend of Bloggiesta.

Not sure what Bloggiesta is?  It's a time for bloggers to get together to clean up their blogs and perform some much needed maintenance (at least in my case!).  So, I'm jumping in and hoping to get back on track.  Actually, I'm really hoping that it sticks this time!!  Here is my current list of things I plan to work on . . .
  • Back-up Blog 
  • Back-up Template 
  • Update Books Read in 2018 
  • Update A-Z Review Index 
  • Clean Out FB Saves (currently at 99+) 
  • Catch Up on Blog Reading/Commenting (Feedly currently at 142) 
  • Write May 2018 in Review
  • Write An Eye on Authors Spotlight
  • Write a Discussion Post on Libraries
  • Catch Up on Reviews (too many to count!) 
  • Clean Out Email (currently at 17)

In addition to this list, I am currently working to finally get my books on my new shelves!  Therefore, I'm going to add to my list one more item . . . unpack at least 5 boxes of books and get them organized on my shelf.

This is a really long list for just a couple of days, but keeping my fingers crossed for a productive weekend!

YOUR TURN:  Are you joining in Bloggiesta?  What are your priorities for the weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your goals and have fun unpacking books. I love doing that!


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