Friday, April 27, 2018

Dewey's 24 Hour #Readathon: Spring 2018

Tomorrow morning begins another 24 Hour Readathon, and I have every intention of making the best of it!  I mentioned earlier this week that I am desperately in need of some self-care, so that is what I will be treating tomorrow as ... a day for myself to rest and relax!  I will be helping out for a small bit in the morning for an upcoming used book sale at the library, but I consider that to be okay because I will still be surrounded by books.  Other than that, I will be chilling at home with a good book or two or three.

Speaking of the books, here is the stack that I will be choosing from . . .

I have no intention of reading all of these books.  I just like to have some options, depending on my mood.  I am currently in the middle of reading Strange Weather by Joe Hill, as well as Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling with my kids.  In addition, I am currently listening to The Witches:  Salem, 1692 by Stacy Schiff.  Thanks to the current goal of the readathon this time around, I will be reporting everything in real time with pages to help aid in reaching the million mark.  When I share my wrap-up post, I will try to report both pages and minutes listened for my own records.

Watch for my updates on Instagram and Twitter throughout the day.  I will be back here on Sunday or Monday to share a full wrap-up of the day.

YOUR TURN:  What will you be reading this weekend, whether you are participating in the readathon or not?


  1. I'm joining in too and will look forward to your updates through the day, on Instagram

    1. Bryan G. Robinson ... I saw that you were joining in and had just posted a comment not too long ago on your blog! Now, I'm really off to read for a little bit!

  2. What a great stack! I really enjoyed Joe Hill's The Fireman, but I haven't read any more of his books because I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to scary stories.

    I hope the book sale went well and you are having a relaxing Readathon!

    1. Lindsey ... Thank you! I've read The Fireman and really enjoyed it. I'm also a fan of his graphic novel series, Locke and Key. The only other one that I've read is The Heart-Shaped Box, and I would definitely categorize that one as scary. He kind of comes by it honestly!!

  3. I did participate in the readathon, but only got to four books, two of them poetry books. My favorite, though, was Tangerine by Christine Mangan. The rest were meh and not really worth mentioning. How did you do? What was your favorite read yesterday?

    1. ooops, I realized I commented above, so you already knew I was participating....*facepalm* sorry about that.

    2. Bryan G. Robinson ... LOL! No worries! I didn't actually finish any books, but I did make some good progress in three bigger books. I think my favorite right now is The Witches: Salem, 1692. It's quite fascinating!


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