Saturday, July 22, 2017

BOOK CHAT: High Summer Readathon & #24in48 Readathon

Good Morning!

I meant to get this posted a bit earlier this week, but life got a bit crazy.  Then, I had a little surgery and I have been sleeping so much that I haven't even turned on my computer.  Today, I am feeling better and I decided it was time to announce that I am participating in two readathons.  What better timing since I am already on forced rest because of my surgery?!

The first readathon, the High Summer Readathon started on Monday, July 17 and will run through Sunday, July 30.  It is two weeks of reading as much as you can.  I did get in a bit of reading earlier this week, but I hope to get in lots more from here until the end of the month.

The second readathon is the #24in48 Readathon, which has participants attempting to read 24 hours over the 48 hour weekend.  I'm not sure I will reach the full 24 hours because I am still sleeping a LOT and I'm getting a bit of a late start, but I am sure going to try my best.

As for what I will be reading . . . I will be starting off with more of THE HATE U GIVE by Angie Thomas for the #12mos12rals over at Book Bloggers International.  Also, I am in the middle of the audiobook, PANDEMONIUM by Lauren Oliver that I hope to get a bit in here and there.  Other than that, this stack will be what I will be pulling from . . .

Well, I'm off to read!  I will be posting updates via Instagram and Twitter over the weekend, so feel free to follow me there for details.

Will you be joining in on either of these readathons?  What are your reading plans for the remainder of July?


  1. Surgery is no fun. I hope your recovery goes well and you get lots read. Sleep is good too. ;)

    1. Jenny ... Yes!! I got in probably more sleep than reading over the weekend!

  2. Hope you feel better soon and have a speedy recovery.

  3. Glad to hear that you're feeling better after your surgery! Good luck with your read-a-thons!


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