Thursday, December 8, 2016

FLASHBACK REVIEW: The Time of the Ghost by Diana Wynne Jones

The perks of renovating my home is that I have had things packed away, and when a room is done, I get to unpack and discover all sorts of items that I have forgotten that I have.  One of these things is a pile of my notebooks that I frequently write book reviews in once I have finished the story.  This is one of those reviews, written in April 2015.


Every March, Kristen of We Be Reading hosts DWJ March in honor of Diana Wynne Jones and her fantastical work.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this event ever since Kristen first introduced me to DWJ.  Sadly, this year I did not participate as much as I had hoped, but I was able to sneak in one new DWJ - The Time of the Ghost.  

The Time of the Ghost is truly a mystery at heart.  The story opens with the narrator realizing "There's been an accident!"  We follow along her path to figure out what this accident was and what must be done to move forward.  I cannot share more details than that without giving away crucial spoilers from the story.  I will tell you, however, that the story involves four very different sisters.  The narrator happens to be one of these sisters.  Fantasy elements make an appearance, but it is done in a realistic way.

I had fun with The Time of the Ghost.  There were times that I was confused.  There were times that I was enthralled.  I also found myself stumped and I think that I would understand and appreciate this one even more on a re-read.  Some day, I will do that.  In the meantime, I will have fun discovering more DWJ adventures.

Have you experienced the mystery of The Time of the Ghost?  What did you think?  What are some of your favorite DWJ titles?


  1. I haven't read enough of DWJs books. I need to read more.

    1. Jenny ... I am right there with you! One of my all-time fave books is by her (Howl's Moving Castle), and I still have so many more to discover.

  2. I haven't read this one (yet) but I LOVE DWJ's books!! :) My favorites... wow. Um. Howl's Moving Castle, Archer's Goon, The Crown of Dalemark, The Pinhoe Egg, Fire and Hemlock, Conrad's Fate, Charmed Life... SO MANY. <3 Have you read a lot of DWJ's books? :)

    Fun review -- makes me look forward to this book even more! Maybe I'll manage to read it this coming March... ;)

    1. Deborah O'Carroll ... Howl's Moving Castle is one of my all-time fave books!! I haven't read any of the others you mentioned though ... yet! I plan to get to ALL of them eventually!

  3. Some of DWJ's books are better on reread just because you catch some of the fun details she puts in. Others, like this one, you have to read the second time to understand what the hey happened! ;)
    Also ... only two and a half months until the next DWJ March starts! I need to get planning!

    1. Kristen M. ... I can't wait for the event this year. I didn't really participate last year because I was taking a class at the time, but I will be back in 2017!!


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