Wednesday, February 17, 2016

#BBAW (Book Blogger Appreciation Week): Read & Loved Because of Bloggers

Today for Book Blogger Appreciation Week, we are all talking about the books we have read and loved because of fellow bloggers.  This question proves to be very difficult for me because I could list so very, very many titles.  Afterall, I have been blogging for almost 9 years and after becoming a part of this amazing community so many years ago, my reading has been expanded and influenced by this online world in so many ways that I cannot even begin to count.  However, I will try my hand at listing a handful of books that I can definitely attribute to some fellow bloggers, but know this . . . my reading is influenced by so many more in this community and has been for years.  I always thought that I was an eclectic reader, but all of you have helped me truly fit that role and I cannot thank you enough!

Now, for a few highlights from along the way . . . 

Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Have you ever come across a book that hits you so hard (in a good way) with where you currently are in your life?  This book was one of those books and I cannot thank Kristen of We Be Reading enough for this recommendation -- the book and the author!

Fables by Bill Willingham
I think I was first introduced to the fabulous Fables by Beth Fish Reads, but I also have to give a shout-out here to Kailana from The Written World that helped me sort out the massive endeavor of this series.  (Be sure to check out her reading guide here!

I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
The Book Thief was all the rave, but Zusak's lesser known novel is one of my all-time faves.  I was recommended this book by the amazing Suey of It's All About Books, and I frequently can trust additional recommendations from her!

I can attribute so many other titles to the book blogging world, such as Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang, but I would be writing for hours.  Instead I'm going to leave you with this short list, and then a big 


for those of you in the book blogging world.  You make my reading an adventure every day!

What are some of your favorite reads recommended to you by the book blogging world?


  1. Love Howl's Moving Castle and I am the Messenger! Have you read the rest of the Howl's series?

    1. Kami ... Not yet, but I need to. I get really weird sometimes when I find a book that I love so much and worry that the rest of the books in a series won't measure up. I have the books, but just procrastinate in reading them. I do the same thing with Wicked!

  2. I love I Am The Messanger even more than The Book Thief too! I'm glad Suey got you to read it. She's way too good at book pushing!

    1. Jenny ... Yay!!! I haven't met many people who feel this way! So glad we have met through BBAW. We think too much alike!! ;)

  3. I shrieked when you had such positive things to say about Howl's Moving Castle. I love Kristen for many reasons, not least the way she's such a tireless advocate for Diana Wynne Jones, one of my totally favorite authors.

    1. And I wouldn't be such a tireless advocate if I didn't feel so much support from lovely people like Jenny! And what a success story to have a book go to the right person at the right time in their life for it to have an impact like Howl did for you, Tif. I am so happy to be included here. :)

    2. Kristen M. ... How could I not include you?!? There have been way too many books to name all of them, but this one was definitely a huge deal at just the right time.

      Jenny @ Reading the End ... I love that Kristen knows me so well, and cannot thank her enough for introducing me to Diana Wynne Jones!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Toby's Room by Pat Barker
    Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink
    Broken Harbor by Tana French
    The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert
    Defending Jacob by William Landay
    A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Anthony Marra

    1. techeditor ... Ohhh, I haven't read any of these! Off to check them out!


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