Monday, January 4, 2016

December 2015 in Review

We are already well into the New Year, and I am just getting into wrapping up the last of 2015.  But, no worries!  I've got a whole plan for the week, fully wrapping up 2015 and looking into 2016.  It's the usual yearly round-up, and I am hoping to get them all posted this week.

In the meantime, let's take a look at December 2015 in review . . .

The TOP POST for the month was Monday Maunder:  Trying to Get in the Holiday Mood, both in hits and comments.  I did not have a lot of posts in general during the month, so there was not a lot to choose from.

The TOP PIC for the month was my stack of new Christmas books!!  I totally lucked out this year in the book category!!

My BOOKS READ was about average.  I wish I could have read more at the end of the month, but life circumstances just did not allow that to happen.
  1. Dog Days by Jonathan Maberry
  2. Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
  3. Boy Snow Bird by Helen Oyeyemi
  4. Indian Summer by Kerri Sue Jenson (manuscript!!)
  5. Jedi Academy #3:  The Phantom Bully by Jeffrey Brown

My FAVORITE READ?  That's a hard one, but I would have to say it was a tie between Nimona and Indian Summer!!

That's all I got for this month, but stay tuned for some lists and thoughts on the year as a whole.  They are a'comin!

How was your last month of reading in 2015?


  1. I absolutely adored AJ Fikry but that's the only one on your list that I've read so I have no comparison :)

    1. Allison @ The Book Wheel ... I can't wait to read that one!


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