Monday, January 11, 2016

Bout of Books 15 Wrap-Up

Last week was another Bout of Books, and I had to join in on the event.  I had high hopes.  No specific goals, but rather to read as much as possible.  Let me share my details with here, and then I will comment on the good and the bad.

24 pages read
approximately 15 minutes of audio listened

47 pages read

26 pages read

38 pages read

170 pages read

74 pages read

90 pages read

TOTAL PAGES READ:  469 pages

  1. Where'd You Go Bernadette? by Maria Semple (completed)
  2. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (still reading)
  3. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (still reading)

Overall, I am happy with my progress.  I got in some good reading with my physical books, especially over the weekend.  However, my time spent listening to audiobooks was a huge disappointment on so many levels.  I listen to my audiobooks via my phone.  I can listen to and from work, while running errands, folding laundry, washing dishes, etc.  I find it calming more than anything else these days.  Sadly, they took a huge hit this week because my phone was stolen on Monday afternoon!!!!  I have not yet been able to replace it, and it is driving me CRAZY!!  And, not just because I can't listen to my audiobooks.  Anyways . . .


I won't burden you all with my feelings on that incident anymore.  Let's hear about you!

Did you participate in Bout of Books 15?  How did you do during the week?  Any comments on your current reads?


  1. That is so horrible that your phone got stolen. There are so many reasons that I would be frustrated if that happened to me. I hope that things get back to normal for you soon!

    1. Kristen M. ... Thank you! I'm hoping so too! It's been so hard to be so unplugged!

  2. Oh sad! I'm so sorry about your phone! I hope You can find some peace of mind soon!


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