Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Monday Maunder: Feeling Thankful

Yes, yes, I know.  It is not Monday.  This seems to be quite the theme this year for my weekly ramblings.  Maybe I need to rethink the name of this feature!  It is almost the new year, so I will add it to my list for 2016!

In the meantime, I just wanted to pop in and say how thankful I am feeling these days.  I have been so busy with everything these last few months, but it has been a good busy.  I am loving my new house, especially as it slowly feels more and more like our home.  I am thankful for my new job.  I find myself doing something a little different every day, getting to read books to children during class meetings, teaching Kindergartners how to read, and facing many challenges.  At the end of the day, I still find that I am loving what I do despite the difficulties that I may face.  And, most importantly, I am thankful for my family that I can come home to at the end of every day.  They are amazing and supportive and absolutely weird, and I wouldn't want it any other way!

I have found myself looking back on my life one year ago.  I was in a job that made me miserable, feeling sick with only more illness to come, and questioning many things in my life.  It is truly amazing the difference a year can make.  

I still have so many things that I want to do, changes I want to make to my house or my life, places I want to visit, books I want to read, etc., but I today I am pausing to be thankful for what I have in the present.  And, I have a lot to be thankful for!

What are you thankful for?  


  1. I am thankful that you are doing so well now! ((Hugs!))

    1. Becca Lostinbooks ... Thank you so much!! I truly appreciate that.

  2. Yay! I am so glad things are working out for you. And yes, it is amazing how things can change for the better in just a few months.

    1. Michelle ... Thank you! It feels so good that things have turned around.

  3. I had a houseguest last week so I'm catching up on blog reading now but I just wanted to make sure to say that I'm thankful recently for my lovely internet friends like you. I've become a bit of a hermit lately and it's nice to still feel a connection to people! I'm also thankful today that it's finally December because I was getting tired of waiting for it to come. ;) I'm happy to hear you are doing well!

    1. Kristen M. ... Thank you!! I've been a bit of hermit myself, so I can completely relate to that feeling!


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