Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday Maunder: I Need A Vacation

The last few weeks have been crazy, and I really need to get away . . . so I am taking a vacation!  Be sure to be watching my Instagram account for a few of my highlights throughout the week, and I will be back here during the usual time to tell you more about it and hopefully, all my good news that I have been teasing you about!

In the meantime, while I am away, be sure to check out Book Bloggers International this week for some fun BACK TO SCHOOL posts and fellow blogger interviews.  I've been scheduling ahead in anticipation of my absence!!

What have you been reading lately?  Do you have any big plans this week?


  1. Have a wonderful vacation!

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... Thank you! It was a great time!

  2. I'll be watching! Can't wait to see pics from your adventures!

    1. Andi ... As you saw, I posted some on Instagram throughout the week, but I will also try to share some here on the blog once I can go through all the ones on my camera!

  3. This Thursday I'll be doing one of my favorite things: finding books at one of the best used book sales in the area where I live, at the Rochester Hills Public Library in Michigan. This library has a big used book sale twice a year, and I always find so many books on my wishlist.

    1. techeditor ... Library book sales are the best!! Hope you had a great time and came home with lots of treasures!!

  4. Replies
    1. Michelle ... Thank you! I did have a great time!


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