Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Maunder: #HSReadathon Wrap-Up & #AtlasRAL Check-In

Welcome to another weekly ramblings!

I cannot believe how fast this summer is flying by!  Where is the time going?!?  Just slow down already!!

As I mentioned last week, I was participating in the High Summer Readathon, a week-long readathon that was designed for participants to read as much as you could and just have fun.  How did I end up doing?  In short, okay.  Let's take a closer look.

I was able to finish my audiobook of Mother Mother by Koren Zailckis, and I started a new listen of Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman.  I was truly pleased with my progress on my audiobooks.  I really had some great listening time available this last week, and I took advantage of it.

However, my big goal was to really dig into Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand for the readalong currently being hosted by Ti of Book Chatter.  I did pick it up a number of times, and I am completely engrossed with the story right now, but I did not get nearly as much read as I had hoped.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can renew it again this week at the library.  If I can't, I am not sure what I'm going to do.  I do have it on hold in audio, but I am not sure when it will become available.  Please keep your fingers crossed for me, too.  I am determined to get caught up on this chunkster for the readalong and finish it in the near future.

For those wondering the official statistics for the week, I will leave you with the numbers.  Enjoy!

Total Pages Read:  113 pages
Total Minutes Listened:  403 minutes
Total Books Completed:  1

Did you participate in the readathon this week?  If so, how did you do?  If not, what have you been reading lately?  Any other current Atlas Shrugged readers out there?


  1. Go, Tif, go!! I really hope you can renew Atlas Shrugged. It is one of those stories you are definitely going to want to finish. I'm listening to the audio version as a reread, and I know I will not be finishing it by the end of the readalong. That's okay though. I am thoroughly enjoying watching everyone's reactions!

    1. Michelle ... I was able to renew it!!! I cannot tell you how happy I am about this. I have been holding back my reactions recently because I'm so far behind everyone else. I'm still in Part 1, but I'm hoping to finish earlier than the scheduled date. I've gotta get reading!

  2. I read Atlas Shrugged many years ago. I know I liked it but honestly can't remember much about it anymore. Sounds like you did well with the readathon. I only read two days out of the whole week, but got a good amount of reading in.

    1. Julie ... Good job, even if you only got to read for the two days! I'm still reading Atlas Shrugged. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can finish it this week!

  3. Thanks for joining me again, Tif. I too am tackling a daunting book right now (Michener's The, huge book and I never seem to make any progress!).

    Hope to see you at FrightFall!

    I'm working on the giveaway winners. Stay tuned!

    1. Michelle Miller ... You're welcome! You know I love your readathons, so you can probably count on me for FrightFall! I'm actually hoping to read lots of Joe Hill this Fall! Good luck on The Covenant!!


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