Friday, July 31, 2015

Literary Link Love: July 2015

I have had some fun links for you this month!  Read on and discover them for yourself!

Did you see this piece about writing your way to happiness?  I really enjoyed it and think I need to spend more time writing my own way to happiness.  I don't do it nearly enough.

These favorite quotes from Harry Potter were fun to revisit.  I really cannot get enough of Harry Potter in any form.

The Uptown Funk video of Unread Book is so addictive!  I find myself changing the words to the song when I hear it on the radio now!

Do you know your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?  If you do, this is an interesting recommendation guide based on your four-letter code.  Mine was spot on.  In fact, I re-read the book this spring and loved it!

Have you seen these pictures floating around Facebook about what each Harry Potter character taught us?  I agree with most of them.  I would even like a few of these framed for my future library.

Mark your calendars to help in celebrating Ivan Doig Day on August 18th!  I have not always been a fan of Doig's writing, but I will celebrate him every chance I get because he is a Montana author.  In fact, he is not just any Montana author, but an author that came from my hometown.  Celebrate away!

Earlier this month was the 8th anniversary of the final book release in the Harry Potter series.  I spent a little time reminiscing over on Facebook with my own memories of the big event.  And speaking of big events, don't forget to give Rowling and Potter a shout-out today for their birthday!!

That's a wrap for this month!  And, I will have lots more for you in August!

What is your favorite link I shared this time around?  What links did I miss that I must see?


  1. Loved the Myers-Briggs book recommendations! I waver between INTJ and INFJ, and both of those books are long-time favorites of mine. (But then, they are long-time favorites of a lot of people so IS IT REALLY SCIENCE? :p)

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... Ha! Very good point!! By the way, I'm an INFJ too!!


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