Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday Maunder: A Change in Plans

Monday, Monday . . .

Mondays are always the hardest day of the week for me.  When something unexpected arises, it only makes the beginning of the week harder.  This week is one of the latter.

Late last week, I got a phone call from my mom that she needed to go in for a little surgery immediately.  Unfortunately, we would have to travel 3-4 hours to get to this surgery and were unable to get scheduled for the surgery until early this morning.  So, we changed up our schedules and hit the road yesterday.  The consultation came first, confirming the surgery was needed immediately, and then the surgery took place.  It was a brief out-patient surgery and overall, it went really well.  I had expected to hit the road home this evening, but those plans changed too.  So, we are staying one more night, seeing the doc tomorrow morning one more time, then hitting the road home.

Already the start of a crazy week!

My kids are also finally in their last week of school.  That means that I am in my last week of work too until right before school starts for the fall.  And, boy do I have so many plans for the summer!  I cannot wait for it to kick-off, especially with the week starting off with this unexpected change in plans.

So, today I am writing to you from a state of mixed emotions . . . stress from this unexpected news and trip, yet thankfulness for the positive results . . . overwhelmed by all the events that are happening during this last week of school, but excited for the start of the summer.  Just writing this makes me exhausted, so I think I'm going to lounge around and hit the sack early tonight.  We will see if I even get much reading done.

What plans do you have for the week and/or the start of the summer?


  1. I hope your mom is okay and you can leave soon and start your summer fun!

    1. Becca Lostinbooks ... Thank you! She is in much better spirits this evening, though very tired. She hit the sack much earlier than I did, but I am heading there soon. And, I can't wait to start the summer fun! I have so many plans!!

  2. Wishing your mom a speedy recovery!

    I know what you mean about Mondays being especially difficult when your schedule is disrupted due to an unexpected emergency. I hope the week passes quickly for you, so you can get to that summer fun as soon as possible!

    1. Michelle ... Thank you! Obviously, the week continued to be crazy since I am just now responding, but now the summer is here!! Woohoo!!

  3. Phew, sounds hectic! I'm glad the surgery went well, and hopefully your mom's feeling a lot better!

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... Thank you. I just spoke with her this morning and she is doing okay. New developments are causing her some discomfort, but it was actually something we were warned about too.


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