Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday Maunder: Camping and Catching Up

What a week I have had!  Last week, I was chatting with you all about hoping to finish up that Bloggiesta list I had compiled.  Well, I can officially say that I didn't get a lot done in that area.  I was able to round out the week with some posts that I had stored up, but did not get much further than that.  And, the reason for that is because we took a long weekend and hid in the mountains!

This little trip has been in the works for quite a while, but I feel like it was never going to come to fruition.  Well, it did and somehow I was prepared for it!  We spent three days in the mountains, completely away from all civilization.  We spent time fishing, hiking, and relaxing.  I even got in a bit of reading, and a lot more sun than I expected.  And, we did not forget the smores!  The nights were cold, but the days were perfect.  It was hard to leave such a beautiful place, but I must be honest in saying that my bed and my shower were calling me home!

Now that things will be leveling off a bit for a while this summer, I am really looking forward to buckling down and getting caught up on all things blog related this week.  I've got a ton of reviews to write, Wordless Wednesday posts to schedule, more pictures to review and edit as necessary, and blog reading to catch up on.  I am hoping to increase my reading activity and even get in a bit of fun writing along the way.  Since I spent most of my day cleaning up after the big camping trip today, all of this is going to start tomorrow.  Feel free to email, message, or tweet me to check in on my progress, or continue to follow my Monday Maunder posts because I will be updating you all here as well.

Here's to a great week of reading, blogging, and all things summer to all of you!

How has your summer been so far?  What do you have in store for this week?

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