Friday, May 22, 2015

American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang

I recently read Boxers & Saints by Yang and found myself being schooled.  I knew I had to also read American Born Chinese by the same author.  I was sure that he would have more wisdom and knowledge to share with me.

American Born Chinese first appears to be a graphic novel of short stories.  The first introduces us to the Monkey King.  The second changes direction and shows us the world of Jin Wang.  And the third, changes gears yet again to introduce us to Danny and his cousin, Chin-kee.  The reader rotates among these different stories until the end wraps them up into one.

Let's be honest.  At first, I was a bit confused with all these different story lines.  BUT then . . . then Yang comes from out of left field and BAM!  Home run!!  I'm telling you that this book just blew me away.  And, it could not have been done so brilliantly in any other way than in graphic form.  I can't really say anything more without sharing spoilers, so I am going to leave you with only one recommendation . . .


Have you had the pleasure of surprise from American Born Chinese?


  1. You've convinced me. I enjoyed Boxers and Saints despite the fact that I generally don't like magical realism. I added this one to my TBR list after that but after reading your review I'm picking it up at the library tonight.

    1. SuziQoregon ... Definitely keep me posted on what you think! I truly cannot stop thinking about this one and how much I love it!!

  2. YESSSSS! This is one of my all time fave graphic novels. It seems so simple on the surface and then IT'S NOT! <3 So glad you liked it.

    1. Andi ... It is so NOT!! And, that is what I love so much about it. It was like BAM ... Totally amazing!

  3. I haven't read this yet, but I did read something else by Gene Luen Yang, and it was superb. You should read Boxers and Saints also! And I will read American Born Chinese.

    1. Jenny @ Reading the End ... I have read Boxers and Saints! It was good, but I still love this one so much more. I think I would get more out of Boxers and Saints though on multiple reads. If you are interested in reading my thoughts, you can check them out here:


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