Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Maunder: Spring Into Horror Readathon

This is the week for readathons!!  Today, kicks off the Spring Into Horror Readathon hosted by the fabulous Michelle of The True Book Addict as well as Seasons of Reading.  This readathon does require that I read at least one scary book, but this can mean horror, mystery, gothic, etc.  I think I've got this covered!

I am diving in, and this is my plan for the week.

  • Finish To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • Finish Legacy: An Anthology in honor of #30Authors
  • Finish The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen (audiobook)
  • Read a bit of scary to meet the requirement of this readathon.
A hint at what the scary books may consist of . . . 

I in no way expect to get through all of these books, but you never know.  Afterall, Saturday is Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon and I will be participating in that one as well.  I do reserve the right to edit my list and will likely read something that is not discussed here.  Tomorrow, I will post more details on Dewey's Readathon, but you can expect to find updates from me on Twitter and Instagram throughout the week, including any updates to my list.

I am excited to focus on reading this week, but that doesn't mean that I won't still be writing.  I am still working to find this fine balance between the two and am determined to succeed!  For those participating and those not ... Happy Reading!!

Are you participating in this readathon?  If so, what are your plans?  If not, will you be participating in Dewey's Readathon this weekend instead?


  1. Glad you're joining me for the read-a-thon. You have some great selections lined up. I've been wanting to read Joe Hill's 20th Century Ghosts and I still haven't started the Sookie Stackhouse books. So many books, so little time!

    I'm doing Dewey's too so maybe I'll "see" you around on our hashtag or theirs. :) Happy reading!

    1. Michelle Miller ... Wow! Last week got away from me, but it was a good week of reading!! I really wish I had more time for it though. Too many books!!

  2. Nice! There can never been enough readathons or reasons to read scary books!


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