Thursday, April 30, 2015

Literary Link Love: April 2015

Welcome to another edition of Literary Link Love!  I only have a handful of links for you this month, but I promise you that they are good ones!!

Let's start off with a bang with this fun video!  Because it really is all about those books!!

Did you all see that they are making a movie of Ready Player One?!?  I am so excited with Spielberg behind it because afterall, it was one of my favorite books last year!

How about this one?  Did you see who Obama appointed as the "Book Czar?"  I wasn't really surprised by this one.

Ivan Doig recently passed away.  This one was personal because he was from not only my home state, but really from my hometown.  He really did Montana proud.  May he rest in peace.

Don't forget that Saturday is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!  My kids and I are pumped for it this year!!

I have no idea where this picture originated from, but no truer words have ever been spoken!

I leave you with a special guest post that I wrote for Book Bloggers International for their comic book and graphic novel month:  Kick-Ass Kids in Comics.  Enjoy!

What links am I missing this month?  Which of these are your favorite?


  1. Patterson is a lazy writer these days (if you can even call him a writer anymore - more like an idea generator), but he does promote indies a lot on social media.

    1. Becca Lostinbooks ... I do wonder how much he is actually writing these days. Despite that, he really does great things for the literary community. We can't deny that!


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