Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: The Streets of a Ghost Town

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday!

Last week, I went (sorta) wordless with some old school rules for teachers.  This week, I thought I would share with you all a picture of the main street where that school stood -- Bannack, MT.  Enjoy!

Have you had the pleasure of walking the streets of a ghost town?


  1. I love ghost towns. I think out would be fun to road trip checking out a bunch along the way.

    1. Kimberly L ... I'm completely fascinated with ghost towns! Now that I'm back in Montana, I am really looking forward to exploring them on a regular basis again. My little family visited a few of them a couple of years ago when we were visiting, and my kids thought they were the coolest thing!

  2. I've never walked through a ghost town before, but I agree, I think they're absolutely fascinating!


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