Friday, February 27, 2015

The Arrival by Shaun Tan

In The Arrival, Shaun Tan brings us a beautiful story without using a single word.  Instead, gorgeous sepia illustrations tell the story of a man leaving his family in the hopes of making a better life for all of them.  An immigrant in a new, strange land, experiencing new cultures, learning new routines, having to make sacrifices, and all for a goal that is not guaranteed.

Tan's wordless novel allows the reader a peek into the immigrant's world.  In a world where no one speaks the same language, one has to rely on non-verbal cues and images alone, allowing us to truly step into their shoes.  And, Tan's images are invaluable in understanding the story.  Each image is detailed and mesmerizing, and deeply profound, providing the reader/viewer a story unlike any other.  In short, it's a work of art that needs to be visited again and again.

Have you read The Arrival?  What did you take away from it?


  1. Isn't it the best? I love how he can tell such a powerful story without using any words. It forces you to slow down and look at the pictures and SEE the story. I've "read" it a few times now and it just gets better every time.

    1. Heather ... I am so glad that I have my very own copy of this one (I got it as a Christmas gift). I will likely revisit this one often!

  2. I "read" this a few years ago and loved it! I should pick it up again :)

    1. Natalie A ... I know that I will be picking it up again. So beautiful!

  3. I haven't read this one yet - it sounds like a beautiful read. I'll have to add it to my to-read list.

  4. I loved this book. I also thought The Rabbits was really good, but much more sad.

    1. thelumosrose ... I have not read The Rabbits. I will have to see if I can get my hands on it.

  5. Replies
    1. Becca Lostinbooks ... It is so good!! My husband did good on this gift!

  6. When I first saw this book I was comPLETEly blown away by the amazing quality of Shaun's artwork. Just astonishingly beautiful! I'm always a bit put off/uncomfortable with the creatures he creates, but he makes his point well with how alien an immigrant feels.

    1. ... You are so right about the feelings he creates. He is an amazing artist when he can create those feelings with his artwork!


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