Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Maunder: Sit Down & Write 5

Moving day is quickly approaching and I am scrambling to ensure that all is set for the big day(s)!  Thankfully, one of the things on my list is to ensure that the blog here is covered while I am on the road and digging out from the boxes in our new home.  Thankfully, Michelle of The True Book Addict and Stories Inside is hosting another Sit Down & Write and I am joining in!

Here's a bit more info on what Sit Down & Write entails . . .
You might ask what you can do for Sit Down and Write. Well, you can catch up on book reviews (or other blog writings), you can work on your work in progress, you can journal, you can write short stories, you can prep your novel (research, take notes, etc.) or other writing project. I'm not fussy and I HATE rules. So, let's do this!
The event runs today (June 16) through June 29.  I will NOT be participating the entire time because I will be on the road.  I tentatively have my wrap-up post for this event scheduled to go live a bit early on Wednesday, June 25.

For this time around, I will be focusing almost solely on blog-related writing.  To be specific, here is my list of things I hope to accomplish:
  • Review of Runaways, Deluxe Edition 2 & 3
  • Review of Living Dead in Dallas
  • Review of What Alice Forgot
  • Finalize New (Temporary) Feature
  • Announce New (Temporary) Feature
  • Schedule Guest Articles (2)
  • June Journal Circle
  • June Literary Link Love
  • July Fairy Tale Friday
  • Outline June in Review 
  • Daily Journaling

I will likely add additional items to this list because I am close to finishing my current audiobook of The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker as well as my current physical read of Club Dead by Charlaine Harris.  (I am also almost completed with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with my kids, but I will not be reviewing that one again since I have already done so here.)  And, of course, I will continue the packing and cleaning in preparation to move upwards and onwards in 12 days!  The final countdown has begun!!

Will you be participating in Sit Down & Write 5 this time around?  What are you hoping to accomplish this week, whether you are participating or not?


  1. I've never heard of this event before. Sounds fun! I keep saying I'm going to do writing things, but I keep not really doing it! Anyway, maybe joining the challenge will help?

  2. I've never heard of it, but suspect that I will take part in either this one or another one later. I'm currently up to date with my book reviews, but I'm sure I have other blogs and posts to catch up with!

    1. nordie ... You should join in! I think that there is always something to write!!

  3. Good luck with the move! I think I'm one of the few who actually likes moving into a new home, as it's a new beginning full of so many different possibilities! Have fun and try not to stress too much!

    1. Alexia561 ... Thank you! The stress finally hit me today with all that I have yet to do. Moving day is quickly approaching! BUT, I can't wait to get into our new place! I haven't seen it in person yet, but it is really exciting!!

  4. Sorry I'm so late stopping by. You know I had the big divorce yesterday. I was waiting until that was over to officially start so I'm starting work on my prep tonight. I haven't even done a starting post. Will do so tonight.

    I hope you get all of your reviews written. I really admire you the daily journaling. I have got to start doing that myself. I'm so lax!

    1. Michelle Miller ... No worries! I know you've had an eventful week already and it is only Wednesday!

      So far, the reviews still remain unwritten, but I have accomplished other things on my list. And, the daily journaling ... I'm trying, but it honestly isn't happening every single day!


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