Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Armchair BEA: Expanding Blogging Horizons

Design by Amber of Shelf Notes
Welcome to Day 3 
of Armchair BEA!

Today's topics for Armchair BEA are Expanding Blogging Horizons and Novellas/Short Stories (click here for the full agenda).  Sadly, I really have little experience with novellas and short stories, so I am going to opt out of that conversation today and simply stick with expanding horizons.

When I first began blogging, I had no idea that I would still be around seven years later and going strong!  I also had no idea that blogging would have such a huge impact on my life as it has.  At first, it was a constant in my life when we were moving so much.  It was a place where people understood me, sometimes better than those in real life ever did.  As time has passed, it has opened so many doors for me and I cannot be more thankful than I am today.

Here are just a few examples of the open doors that I refer to . . .

  • FREELANCE WRITING:  A few years ago, I was approached by a local publishing company to be a contributor to their website.  I was astonished and honored, and the opportunity gave me the little oomph that I needed to start expanding on my writing and my editing.  I am no longer writing for this company because I am no longer local to them, but my freelance has gone in different directions and I still continue to explore new options in this realm.
  • WRITING A NOVEL:  I have always said that I wanted to write a novel, but I have never actually sat down to do it.  That is, until this year.  It's a slow start, but I am feeling more excited about it now more than ever thanks to small group of blogging friends who are now helping me to stay accountable and providing me with much needed encouragement.
  • SPREADING THE LITERARY LOVE:  This is the opportunity that is one of my favorites because it has been my opportunity to give back to so many others.  Whether it may be giveaways publicly advertised on my site (and sometimes working in conjunction with others) or private giveaways for specific organizations, I love being able to spread the love of reading and literacy in general.  My favorite project was a book drive for Shriner's Hospital, and I hope to host another one in the near future after my next move is complete!

The beauty of blogging is that it is really so much more than just blogging!  The book blogging community is a tight community, a friendly and welcoming community, and one that provides you with so many other possibilities, if you choose to accept them.  I am so excited about where these last seven years have taken me, and I cannot wait to see what the years ahead may bring!

What are some ways that you have expanded on your blog?  What are some ideas that you have pondered, but have not yet put into action?


  1. a novel, how cool!!

    1. ... We will see if it ever gets finished! ;)

  2. Wow, seven years! That's an especially long time in "blog years." Congratulations! I've been blogging for two years (as of June 10th), and it's been such a fun experience. For me, the legal issues I write about (all book related) have actually been helpful in my professional life (which is not at all book related). I also like how blogging encourages me to keep reading, even through the slumps, which makes me a happier person.

    Good luck with your novel!

    1. misfortuneofknowing ... Thank you! That's interesting about your writing. What kind of legal issues do you write about?

    2. I discuss books, writing, and the law on my blog. When I write about the law, the topics come from books I review (such as looking at surrogacy law as portrayed in "Then Came You") or from the publishing world (such as commentary on the U.S. v. Apple lawsuit, copyright laws, book banning legal challenges, etc). These areas of law don't overlap much with my real-life legal practice, but blogging has honed my legal research skills. It's been surprisingly useful in my professional life.

    3. misfortuneofknowing ... Wow! That is really fascinating! What a great idea!

  3. And running Armchair BEA! Don't forget that.

    1. Chris bookarama ... Yes, and running Armchair BEA! Thank you!! I almost did forget!! ;)

  4. I just want to hug and love all over this post. I ADORE that you've had so many great opportunities. You deserve it, Tif!

    1. Andi ... Ahhhh, thank you so very much!! That means a lot to me!

  5. I'm not big on short stories, but I think I reviewed two collections this year. I like novellas a bit more and it seems every author is writing one.

    I love the opportunities that my blog has provided me. I'm hoping to transition career paths with the skills I've gotten from it.

    Girl Who Reads

    1. Donna H .. Thanks for stopping by! Good luck to you on transitioning career paths thanks to your blogging skills!

  6. I love how you bring up the idea that the world of book blogging is so much more than just reading and talking about books. It really is a community of people who can connect in significant ways and cheer each other on. I also can relate to your comment that through blogging you found yourself understood. I love how bloggers can really "get" one another. :) -Katie

    1. ... Yes, yes, yes!! See, we are getting each other AGAIN!! ;)

  7. I've done the odd incursion into Guest Posting - whether that was entirely successful is up to the hosts to define (ahem!).

    Right now I'm interested in focussing on my book related blog and getting that being seen by others - we shall see what comes of that. Of course I would love to get an income from simply reading and reviewing books, but that's not going to happen any time soon, more's the pity

    1. nordie ... I've worked with you on a few guest posts for Book Bloggers International, and I thought they were great!!

      I really wish we all could read and review, and get paid for it. That would be so nice!


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