Friday, March 14, 2014

Runaways, Volume 1: Pride and Joy by Brian K. Vaughan

Vaughan, author of Saga and Y: The Last Man, brings us a story for the younger crowd in Runaways.  He introduces us to six teens, all of them very different.  They have one thing in common though - their parents.  Every year, the parents get together to discuss charity events.  At the latest meeting, the kids tired of each others' company decide to go exploring, only to discover that their parents may actually be super villains!  They band together to expose their parents while new details about their families and themselves are revealed.

In the first volume, Pride and Joy, we learn about the lives of these six teens.  For the introductory volume, I found Runaways to be fun, action-packed, and a little strange, but I am definitely interested in learning more of where their adventures take them.  I just need to figure out how to get my hands on more.

Have you run away with the Runaways?  Which of the characters do you like or relate to the best?


  1. Haven't read this one, but love the sound of it! Can you imagine discovering that your parents are super villains? What a fun idea!

    1. Alexia561 ... That's what I was thinking! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the next in the series.

  2. I haven't read it yet, but all you have do to is say "Brian K Vaughan" and I'm all over it!

    1. Heather ... I know, right?!? I love Vaughan! Have you read Ex Machina? I've been debating this one for a while.


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