Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Maunder: October 7, 2013


Reading did not go quite as planned this last week.  As previously mentioned, I was participating in the FrightFall Read-A-Thon.  I did finish reading Flat Stanley Worldwide Adventures #1:  The Mount Rushmore Calamity with my daughter.  As for my other reads, I am still in the middle of every single one . . .

  • The Ultimate Top Secret Guide To Taking Over the World by Kenn Nesbitt (with my kids) -- we only read a couple of chapters with some fun journal activities interspersed.
  • The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (audiobook) -- I am now about 3/4 of the way through this one, so there was some progress.
  • Doctor Sleep by Stephen King -- I did get just shy of 250 pages read in this one.
I really don't have much to complain about because there was progress, but I am hoping for a more successful reading week this time around.  I am still debating whether or not I will be joining Dewey's Read-A-Thon this Saturday, but I am leaning towards yes.  My only issue is that there are some writing workshops taking place on this same day that I really want to attend as well, so the question is whether or not I can pull off both!

How was your reading this last week?  Will you be joining in Dewey's Read-A-Thon?


Blogging was light this last week.  I was not feeling really well, and you could tell in my posts throughout the week.  I am feeling better and plan to get more reviews and discussion posts scheduled this week and beyond for your enjoyment.  In the meantime, the biggest news on the blog is the Doctor Sleep Read-along.  We just started discussing the first part this morning.  If you haven't checked it out, I know you will want to!

Are you reading Doctor Sleep and joining in our discussions?!?


Because I was not feeling well, writing was affected this last week as well.  I only achieved a little on the writing front last week.  I am hoping for much better this week and shooting towards the same goals as last week:  hit the library three days, catch up on blog writing, and start mapping out my other projects.  I am seriously considering participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year and if I am, I need to get organized so I can devote all my spare time in November cracking out the words!

In case you are interested, another piece I wrote appeared on Walrus Publishing this last week:  I Heart James Patterson!  I know there is controversy behind this man, but click on over and read all about why I remain loyal to him.

Are you planning on participating in NaNoWriMo?  


Nothing exciting happening here!  My little family did go to the movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 over the weekend.  It was a cute movie.  Not as good as the original, but still cute.  And, I found myself giggling many times!  Definitely worth the money we paid for a little family outing!

How was your week on the homefront?  Have you seen any good movies lately?


  1. You and I, Tif...we didn't have much success. But that's okay. We did get some reading done even if it wasn't a lot, right?

    I'm probably not going to do Dewey's after all. My birthday is next Tuesday so this weekend is the birthday weekend so it's an all day affair on Saturday and we're even going out for karaoke Saturday night. I haven't been out since my marriage ended so I could use it, I think. HaHa! If you do end up doing Dewey's, I wish you much success. =O)

    1. Michelle Miller ... Right!! I am leaning towards doing Dewey, but still haven't committed yet. I should probably get on that!

      Have a blast this weekend!! You deserve it!!!


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