Wednesday, August 28, 2013

And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

Khaled Hosseini, bestselling author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns returns with his newest book, And The Mountains Echoed.  In his latest novel, Hosseini chronicles the story of a brother and sister in a small Afghanistan village, bound together deeper than blood.  At a young age, the two become separated and we learn their story indirectly through tales told by those connected to them.

Hosseini takes a different approach in And The Mountains Echoed than his previous works.  Each chapter follows a different character in the story, starting with the brother and ending with the sister.  At first, it may appear to be a collection of short stories, but a pattern soon becomes noticeable, creating a complex story of characters fitting to its title.  The reader experiences a wide array of perspectives, a mixture of life in different worlds, and a connection among them all that will leave a lasting impression.

And The Mountains Echoed is not my favorite Hosseini novel (A Thousand Splendid Suns takes that honor), but it is still a story that begs to be read and shared far and wide.  Each of the narrators has a story to tell and a lesson to share.  I believe that Hosseini has proven his talent once again!

What is your favorite Hosseini title?  Why?


  1. Dying to get my hands on this one!

    1. Suey ... I definitely recommend this read. I'm a big fan of this author!


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