Thursday, May 23, 2013

Armchair BEA is Coming!!!!

Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads

Armchair BEA is coming!!  Armchair BEA is coming!!!  Armchair BEA is coming!!

Armchair BEA is coming next week, and I am so excited for this year's event!  Over the past few years, this event has brought the largest book event in the country, Book Expo America into the comfort of our own homes.  We have talked books and blogging, seen sneak peeks into the exhibits, and had the opportunity for hundreds of giveaways.  This year is going to be another great year, if not better thanks to the addition of dual daily topics -- one focusing on blogging and the other simply on the books we all love so much!!

If you have not yet had the chance to check out Armchair BEA, here are just a few links to help you get started . . . 

Registration:  Registration allows you to be eligible for the giveaways and gets you listed on our participant registry!

Giveaways:  We have had a HUGE response from our sponsors, both old and new, creating more than 250 giveaways for the week!

Agenda:  The agenda has been announced, complete with the daily topics for each day of the event!  I am really excited to see the contributions for these this year!!

Introductions:  The introduction questions were just announced earlier this week.  It is going to be a great way to network with both old and new-to-me blogs!

We also will have Twitter parties, daily reports from on-site correspondents, the winners of the new 2012 Armchair BEA awards, and so much more!!

FAQ:  If you want more information on the event as a whole, feel free to check out the FAQ page, created for this year's event!

Disclaimer:  I am one of the co-founders and organizers of this event!  If you have questions or comments about it, please do not hesitate to share!


  1. I can't make it to BEA this year, so looking forward to Armchair BEA! Sounds like fun!

    1. Alexia561 ... I hope you have a blast! Someday, I do hope to make it to BEA, but until then I will be Armchairing it! :)


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