Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Maunder: April 8, 2013

It's Monday AGAIN!!!  I really have no idea where this last week went!


I am still reading A Tale of Time City by Diana Wynne Jones.  I hope to finish it this week, but I have no idea at this point if I will.  There will be little time for reading this week!

Have you had a good reading week?  What books have you been delving into?


I have been working on two different blogging projects:  Armchair BEA and Book Bloggers International.  Armchair BEA is next month, so the team is currently in the midst of planning for the event and finalizing last minute details.  It is going to be another great year and I cannot wait to share more details with you!

Book Bloggers International I have mentioned previously, but in case you missed it, I summarized it last week!  Be sure to check it out!!  More book bloggers will be featured this week!

What is on your blogging radar this week?


I wrote something this last week!!  It was just a short article, but I wrote!!!  I will be sending it off tomorrow, so I will keep you posted when it goes live!!

How much writing did you get done this week?


My life consists of cleaning my house and keeping it clean, which proves to be difficult with two children who can't stand cleanliness!  Since my house went on the market, we have had six showings.  No offers though.  So, I continue to clean!  The worst part is keeping the bathrooms clean.  I really dislike cleaning bathrooms.  I really don't mind anything else, but bathrooms ... I would rather not!

What household chores do you dread?  Any fellow bathroom haters?


  1. Wait until your kids get older. They can do the bathrooms for you. :)

  2. Six showings? That is amazing! Your cleaning efforts WILL pay off soon enough.

    For the record, I hate doing windows. I refuse to do them, which is a bad thing when my house is mostly windows now and you can't enjoy the view when the windows are spotted, streaked, and marked with bird silhouettes when they accidentally fly into them.

    1. Michelle Shannon ... I sure hope so! As of today, we are now at 11 showings. Waiting for an offer any day now! :)

      Ha! Windows are a pain, especially with children and dogs constantly touching them again and again!! I hear ya there!! :)


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