Friday, March 1, 2013

What Goodness March Brings You . . .

The month of March is filled with lots of goodness and I will be participating in a number of projects throughout the month, starting today!!  I wanted to give you a brief little introduction to each, so you are not surprised when you see them pop up over the next 30 days!

The first big event that kicks off today is The Estella Society Bookish Photo a Day Challenge.  I really enjoy the daily photo projects, despite the fact that I rarely participate every day.  I love to see everyone's take on the same prompt and all the creativity that amasses.  I will be posting my personal pictures via Instagram and Twitter, so feel free to use my social media links to check in throughout the month.  I did add Instagram to the mix for a quick click.

The second big event is The 2nd Annual DWJ (Diana Wynne Jones) March hosted by Kristen of We Be Reading.  The entire month is devoted to the beloved author, including special guest posts, read-a-longs, giveaways, and more.  I have only recently discovered DWJ all thanks to Kristen, so I am excited to explore more of the worlds this amazing woman created.  You may even see a special guest post from me at the end of the month talking about all my discoveries!  (In case you are curious, my previous reads were Dogsbody in 2011 and The Game in 2012.)

Badge art courtesy of
Elizabeth Dulemba
The third and final event is one of my all-time favorite annual events.  Share a Story, Shape a Future is celebrating its fifth year of covering all things literacy, and they will be kicking off the week-long event on Monday, March 4, 2013.  I am one of the lucky hosts this year and will be writing at least one additional article for the event.  I feel honored to be a part of it this year, and I encourage you to join in the fun, the knowledge, and share some of your own ideas and writing to spread the literacy love.

Will you be joining in on any of this fun?  What will be participating in during the month of March?


  1. I won't be taking part in any of these - although the DJW events sounds like fun! Does rewatching Howl counts? XD But I'll be taking part in my first book blog tour ever and I am pretty excited :D

    1. We're doing a Howl watch-along if you want to join in! :) Come check out the details on the event page.

    2. Topcho ... You should at least join Kristen for the Howl watch-along!! As for me, I'm going to read the book first!

      Good luck with your first blog tour! I hope it goes well!

  2. Well, obviously I'm participating in DWJ March ... lol. :) And I'm totally doing the #estellagram thingy too. It's my first time doing one of the pic-a-day dealies but I think it will be fun! I look forward to the Share a Story posts. They're always fun and informative!

    1. Kristen M. ... March is such a happening month! So much goodness that I don't even know what to do with all of it!! :)

  3. Well, Instagram wouldn't do me much good since I no longer do the social network thing, but have fun! It does sound interesting. :)

    1. Amateur Novelist ... It is interesting! You know I love taking photos and this instant way is a fun twist!


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