Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Maunder: December 17, 2012


Reading went well this week!  I finished Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith AND The Walking Dead: Book Eight by Robert Kirkman AND Jack of the Fables #1: The (Nearly) Great Escape by Bill Willingham AND I started reading The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  If you keep on reading, you will eventually see why I had such a great reading week!

According to my Goodreads Challenge where I keep track of my total books read for the year (currently 52 books) compared to my goal (70 books), I am currently 15 books behind in reaching my goal for 2012.  I am really hoping to meet my goal by year-end, but I just don't know if it is going to happen.  If I can at least get to a total of 60 books, I will still be happy and improved from last year.  Hopefully, I can keep up the awesome reading that I had this last week!


Writing ... let's just skip this one this week.  I got nothing!


This last week was rough.  My daughter was sick with a stomach bug, my (new-ish) computer went down for an unknown reason, a restoration of the computer failed multiple times and I no longer have access to any of my files, my son got sick with the stomach bug, we mailed off our computer to the manufacturer because it is likely a hardware problem, and that does not even include the tragedy that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary that I cannot get out of my head.  Reading helped me escape all this madness and I easily accepted getting lost in my reading!

With a week like that, I have been trying to focus on the positive -- a thing that has proven difficult with all that has happened this year.  BUT, I can still come up with some goodness, including cuddling with my kids, my mom coming in for the holidays, Christmas quickly approaching, a loving husband, and a roof over my head to name a few.

Sticking with the goodness, tell me what is positive in your life?  What are you thankful for?


  1. Goodness ... one more morning of getting up with the alarm and then it gets turned off until January 3rd! And I'm finally reading The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making -- and it's a brilliant escape. And I finally bought holiday cards today (which I skipped last year). And we might get snow tonight! Now if I could just avoid the rest of the shopping I have to do and the trip to the post office ...

    1. Kristen M. ... Yeah!!! On so many levels!! I just recently bought Fairyland and I'm hoping to read it over break, too!! Good luck with your shopping and the post office!!

  2. Sorry to hear about the stomach flu attacking your house, then your PC dying. But good news that your mom is able to visit you for the holidays! I'm looking forward to moving into our new home next month! Wish we could spend Christmas there, but I'm learning to be patient. :)

    Happy Christmas Tif!

    1. Alexia561 ... Good luck with your upcoming move!! We have one of those coming up soon, too!! Merry Christmas until then!!

  3. I have been struggling reading after the Sandy Hook tragedy. I just cannot seem to concentrate.

    What did you think of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter? It was my very first audiobook, so I am very partial but I thought it was a fascinating and entertaining story!

    Have fun with your mom visiting and good luck with your computer woes! Nothing is so frustrating as computer issues!

    1. Michelle Shannon ... I completely understand. Those poor families. I cannot even imagine what they are going through, especially during this time of year.

      I definitely enjoyed Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter! It was a fun read!

      Computer woes are still here, but they are definitely getting better! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Hi, Tiff! and happy Holidays! Yes, I agree, thankful for a roof, a fab husband, kids and friends.
    And then, if one is lucky, a bit of a holiday break and some reading time. I will take you up on the recommendation of Discovery of Witches. First, tho', I feel compelled to do some writing...about what? I dunno. Something. Will see. And have a gorgeous new journal from my son as Xmas present. So...
    Good luck on making your reading goal for the year...anything is possible! Especially when it comes to reading. In fact, I might make a pot of coffee late tonight in order to get me more reading time as necessary. Then I'll update the list I keep on my blog (which has been terribly left adrift 'til just the past few days and I find I have nothing to the writing thing MUST improve!!!!
    Hope to see you at journaling in the NEw YEar...but certainly, here!
    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
    more later...

    1. westcobich ... So good to see you back!! I can't wait to hear what you think of Discovery of Witches! And, I look forward to hearing more about how your writing is going! Maybe we can touch base at the next journaling session. It looks like I will definitely be able to make it again. Now, I need to get back to my writing as well!

      Happy New Year!!

  5. Gosh, kids and illness. Have always hated when that happens. Luckily I remained well or didn't get sick until after they were well.

    Glad to say so long to 2012. Yes, I've said the same thing in the comment section of your other posts, but I feel so strongly about

    1. Amateur Novelist ... LOL!! I was just reading The Little Engine That Could this evening with my daughter. If we keep repeating "I think 2013 is going to be great. I know 2013 will be great." ... it will happen!!!


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