Sunday, June 3, 2012

GIVEAWAY: Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes

It is another giveaway, courtesy of my unnamed donor, featuring an Advanced Reader's Copy (ARC) of Into the Darkest Corner by Elizabeth Haynes.  Here is a quick synopsis of the book from Goodreads:
Catherine has been enjoying the single life for long enough to know a good catch when she sees one. Gorgeous, charismatic, spontaneous - Lee seems almost too perfect to be true. And her friends clearly agree, as each in turn falls under his spell. But there is a darker side to Lee. His erratic, controlling and sometimes frightening behaviour means that Catherine is increasingly isolated. Driven into the darkest corner of her world, and trusting no one, she plans a meticulous escape. Four years later, struggling to overcome her demons, Catherine dares to believe she might be safe from harm. Until one phone call changes everything. This is an edgy and powerful first novel, utterly convincing in its portrayal of obsession, and a tour de force of suspense.

Open to US Residents ONLY.
Please note that the copy is an ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy).
Entries will close on Friday, June 15, 2012 at 12:00 Midnight CST.
To enter, complete the form below.
Winner will be emailed and announced here on the site!
All address information will be passed onto the unnamed donor for mailing and will be used for no other solicitations.


  1. Thanks so much for this offer. I'm so lucky that I found your Web site!


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