Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bloggiesta 2012!

Do you know what this weekend is?!?  It is Bloggiesta!!  Do you know what Bloggiesta is?  It's a weekend devoted to cleaning up and improving our websites and blogs!  This is something that I have been needing to do for quite some time and I am definitely looking forward to getting a few logistical things done this weekend in honor of the event.  Originally hosted by Natasha of Maw Books Blog, circumstances have changed and a couple of my other favorite bloggers are taking over the event this year:  Suey of It's All About Books and Danielle (aka the1stdaughter) of There's A Book.  For more information, you can visit the participation sign-up post and follow the previously mentioned blogs for a multitude of information and mini-challenges throughout the weekend or check out the links to all past challenges.  I am really looking forward to the latest and greatest information that will be shared!

Here is a little list of things that I hope to be working on throughout the weekend (in no particular order):

I may or may not add items to this list, but we will see how the weekend goes and if any of the mini challenges pique my interest and start the creative juices flowing!  I may or may not officially participate in the mini challenges.  And, I may or may not post updates throughout the weekend.  I will definitely write up a wrap-up post with updates on what I did get finished and any highlights from the weekend.  I reserve the right to do this wrap-up in my weekly Monday Maunder post!

I'm off to hopefully get some good sleep tonight in preparation for an eventful and productive weekend!  Until then, tell me . . . Will you be spicing up your site this weekend?  What will you be focusing on?


  1. Nice list of goals! I've completed a few of my smaller goals on my list, but need to work up my nerve to tackle the big, scary ones. And I really, really need to catch up on my reviews. Good luck! And ole! :)

    1. Alexia561 ... Thanks so much! I never did get to the big ones, but I'm hoping to carry the goals over to this upcoming weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed! (And, I have a number of posts to click on over and comment on over at your site!)


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