Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Walrus Report: Quatrain by Sharon Shinn

Time for another check in with the Walrus!  Earlier this week, I reviewed Quatrain by Sharon Shinn over at Walrus Publishing.  This short story compilation is filled with angels, alternate worlds, princesses, and mystics, and serves as a quick introduction to Shinn's novels.  This first book of the year for me was a great way to start off the year.  You will not want to miss clicking over to read more, including which story was one of the favorites to write by the author!

Have you ever read Shinn before?  Would you recommend the next Shinn title for this new fan?


  1. Sharon Shinn is one of my favorite authors! You should check out ARCHANGEL next. :)

  2. heidenkind ... Really?!? She's one of my local authors!! Do you have any signed books or would you be interested in them? Let me know and I will see if I can get her to sign one at her next event! And, I'm marking down Archangel so I don't forget this one!!


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