Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fables #2: Animal Farm by Bill Willingham

Not long ago, I discovered the first in the Fables series, Legends of Exile.  In Willingham's creation, the characters from our favorite fairy tales are exiled from their home lands to our's.  In the second installment, Animal Farm, we follow Snow White and Rose Red to the property that houses the non-human Fables.  Their routine visit turns into a fight for their lives and they must choose which side they will decide to fight for.

Willingham has once again awed me with his talent and creativity.  I am hooked on this world the author has drawn to life, the interpretation of the classic characters in our modern world, and the amazing illustrations that accompany the story.  I cannot wait to read the next installment!

WARNING:  This is a graphic novel meant for an older audience!

Have you stepped into the land of the Fables?  If so, who would you rank as your favorite character(s)?


  1. I haven't decided if I want to read these or not. I've read a lot about the violence in them and I tend to be really turned off by too much violence in graphic novels -- the whole GRAPHICness of it. ;) Maybe I should just give one a try and then decide.

  2. Kristen M. ... I would recommend giving the first one a try to begin with to see what you think. There are definitely some violent parts, but I really didn't notice it as much until this book, but it parallels the classic, Animal Farm if I remember correctly.


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