Monday, March 21, 2011

SAS-SAF: Love of Literacy in the Modern World

Logo designed by Elizabeth Dulemba
Share a Story, Shape a Future brought forth a number of new questions for Day 4 of the event and I have once again decided to share my thoughts on one of these even though the weekly event is done and over with.  This time, the question comes down to a wishing question . . .

What tools do today's students have that you wish you had had when you were in school?

When I grew up, I was very limited in my resources simply because of my location.  I was not raised in a city, but in a rural town.  As I see the opportunities that children have these days or ones that my own son has already experienced, it really comes down to author contacts.  I wish I had the opportunity to meet the authors in person . . . those people who created such wonderful stories that I could get lost in and discover more about the world surrounding me.  Even in today's technological and digital world, authors can now pay visits to the rural setting via Skype without actually leaving the comforts of their own home.  I have not yet met an author via the latter method, but I hope to someday.  I hope to hear my children's excitement when they get the opportunity.  Afterall, my son just experienced his first author meeting a couple of month's ago.  He's still talking about being able to stand next to an author that brings adventures to our big comfy chair from all over the world!!

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