Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SAS-SAF: Flashlight Worthy for 2025

Logo designed by Elizabeth Dulemba
The final day of Share a Story, Shape a Future brought a ton of wonderful stories about the love of reading as you saw in my previous post, but now it is time to respond to the final Writing @ Reading prompt and one of my favorites of the week!  This question was soooooooo difficult for me.  When I first read the question, I had stacks and stacks of books come to mind.  How was I ever to narrow it down?  In reality, I won't!  I will carry my book collection and pass it on to my own growing readers for many years to come.  And, I hope that they will continue to pass it on to their growing readers again and again and again!  However, for this exercise, I must choose.  Let's get to it . . .

If you could pack three "flashlight worthy" books in a suitcase to keep for children born in 2025, what would they be?  Why?

As I write my answer to this question this evening, these are the three books that I would choose; however, I reserve the right to choose three completely different books if you ask me any other day of the week or year!  There are simply too many wonderful ones to choose from!!

The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

As I mentioned in a previous SAS-SAF post, Rowling's magical world is a comfort to me . . . a world that I can easily escape into, get lost, and have fun.  Every growing reader needs a book that can do this for them and Harry Potter and his friends are characters that so many of us can relate to.  As a growing adolescent, who doesn't feel like an outsider?  Like they don't quite fit in?  Like it is him/her against the world?  And, there is still hope!!  (And, yes I know that this is actually 7 books, but you can make it look like one great big one if you keep it in the box!)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

I can't quite figure out why I am choosing this book, but I am!  It is one of those books that has so many life lessons, but one you can't resist because it is filled with so many sweets . . . literally!  Charlie and his family are the underdogs and yet they win out at the end because of simple respect and politeness.  They have the right amount of curiousity, but not so much that gets them into trouble.  And, the honesty that pours out from a multitude of characters is funny, yet refreshing.

Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman

I mentioned this book earlier as well, but I cannot resist adding it here again just for the sake of the topic of motherly love.  Being a mother to two amazing children, I would want this message of unconditional love to be passed on through all of time and space!

What books would you pack into 2025?


  1. Are You My Mother is one of my top ten picture books. I know that strictly speaking some would call it an easy reader, but the illustrations are as integral as they are in any picture book. So glad you love it too!

  2. The Book Chook . . . It is definitely one of my all time favorites!!! And, I completely agree about it being a picture book as well as an easy reader! Who says a book can't be both?!? :)


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