Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fairy Tale Fridays: The Ear of Corn

Special Thanks to my Personal Faery Friend for the Button Art: Ye Olde Faery Shoppe 

This week's short selection of The Ear of Corn by The Brothers Grimm was chosen in honor of the upcoming American holiday, Thanksgiving.  Though the tale is told with a tad negative spin, the true message behind the tale is to be thankful for what we have been given for it can easily be taken away.  In the case of the Grimm's story, it was corn that was taken away because of the lack of appreciation for the abundance of the food.  The Lord simply left what we know now for the chickens to survive!  

With not only this tale and the upcoming holiday in mind, I do believe it to be important to remember what we are thankful for on any given day of the year.  It does not have to be secluded to just the fourth Thursday in November.  We typically can remember at the end of every day what we can appreciate in our life . . . even if it is simply that we are going to bed to start another day!  In our household, during the entire month of November, we actually write down one thing every day that we are thankful for and deposit it into a "Gobbles of Thanks" can that my son and I decorated a few years ago.  Though we only take note of our appreciation in writing for a few weeks out of the year, this tradition helps remind us that we can be thankful for something every single day.  I believe that the Grimms may have felt the same way after reading this short!

What are you thankful for today?  Do you have a similar Thanksgiving tradition in your home?

P.S. Don't forget to submit something for the Fairy Tale Food & Fun Challenge!

Friday, November 26th:  FTF Thanksgiving Break featuring special food and fun!
Friday, December 3rd:  Snow White and Rose Red by The Brothers Grimm
Friday, December 10th:  The Snow Man by Hans Christian Andersen
Friday, December 17th:  The Elves by The Brothers Grimm
Friday, December 24th:  The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen


  1. Today I'm thankful for many things - family, friends, sunny weather, jobs. We don't really have any Thanksgiving traditions at our house, aside from eating of course.

  2. I am thankful for so much in my life that it is hard to even list it all - of course, family, friends, health, and provisions always top the list.

    I love your tradition of the "Gobbles of Thanks" can. What a wonderful way to raise children to be mindful of their gifts and blessings!

    Nice choice on this tale too - I had never heard of it before but it was perfect for the upcoming holiday!

  3. carolsnotebook . . . Love what you are thankful for!! :) And, sometimes, eating is the BEST tradition!! :)

    lisa :) . . . Those are at the top of my list too, but sometimes even the little things can be big on some days, too! And, thank you for the compliment on our tradition and choice of tale! Hope Nanowrimo is going well!! :)

  4. Tif, what a great way to combine literacy and being thankful! I love the can idea. I truly believe that incorporating a little bit of writing into each day of family life is of huge benefit to kids as they grow up.

  5. The Book Chook . . . Thank you!! We love this tradition and my son makes sure that everyone does it every night! If we do miss a night, then we have to make up for it the next night! I simply love seeing his excitement this year about writing all of his own!! :)


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