Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Awesomeness of Armchair BEA

Sadly, this post is LLLLLOOOOONNNNNGGGGG overdue!!

Armchair BEA was a week of celebrating Book Expo of America from the comfort of our own homes.  I was lucky to be one of the organizers behind the event and was so thankful to be working with an amazing group of book bloggers.  In fact, before I write any further, I am going to take a quick moment to honor these gals!  Let's give a round of applause to . . . .

There were many others behind the scenes helping out and of course, all the participants.  I owe each of you a big thank you as well!!  This was a great and fun week and it could not have been possible without the hundreds of you!!  

I also wanted to take a few minutes to highlight some of my favorite posts from the week.  There was some brilliant ones out there and sadly, I am still working on getting the remaining ones read!  I may have to do another Armchair BEA highlight post when I finally finish them!  Or, I will just add them to my Sunday Synopsis.  I will decide when I get there!  Now, without further ado, check these out . . .
During that week in May, I discovered so many new-to-me blogs and added a multitude to my Reader.  Maybe that is why I am so far behind?!?!  Oh well!  It was worth it!!!  :)  And, I'm looking forward to another great event again next year!!

Whew!  If you participated or read any of the posts, did you have a favorite?  If so, please share!!  


  1. I was just too busy in my own fictionalized world to participate in this. Too bad because it sounded like you all had so much fun!

  2. It was such a fun event and I am still running off of the high that it created.

  3. J. Kaye . . . I bet your sacrifice was well worth it though considering your two drafts since the beginning of the year! Who knows . . . maybe one of these years, you will be signing at BEA itself?!? :) . . . Me too!! I'm still wading thru all the posts and reveling in that high!! :)


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