Thursday, December 3, 2009

Read.Read.Read-A-Thon . . . .

I was so excited to be participating in the latest read-a-thon (hosted by Bethany over at Dreadlock Girl) not only to work on getting caught up before the end of the year, but also to just sit, relax, and read all day long . . . AND maybe make up for what I didn't get done during Dewey's Read-A-Thon! Unfortunately, things have come up and I will not be able to participate as much as I would like . . . AGAIN. My husband is working again that day . . . BUT, his shift should be much shorter this time around which is very promising to me! Well, then . . . I have waited until the last minute to get my holiday pictures scheduled and the only time available was on Saturday night. So, of course, I had to schedule them then . . . I was very reluctant though! The important thing is though . . . I am still shooting for medium participation. In fact, I am shooting for the goals as last time around . . .

7 hours
7 stories
7 posts

As for my books, I'm going to go with whatever I feel like picking up that day! I hope to focus mainly on those remaining review books that I have yet to finish and need to before the end of the year. However, I may opt into reading a few shorts as well to help break things up a bit. Only time will truly tell!!

Oh, and one final thought . . . I've decided to do a little meme. Not sure what time it will be held, but it will be a fun little bookish activity to use as a break to spice things up a bit!! Even if you are not participating in the read-a-thon, you will want to participate in this!!


  1. Have fun! :) Reading with others is a blast.

  2. Good luck with the read-a-thon!I'll try to stop by to cheer you on. :)

  3. I am getting more and more excited!! I hope my head doesn't pop off. :P

  4. Yay :o) I'm excited for the Read-a-thon!!

  5. It's too bad you can't read for the full 24, but at leasy you're still participating! I'll be checking back for the meme and the 7 posts :) Happy reading!

  6. Any reading is better than no reading right? I love your header, it's so simple and pretty.

  7. J. Kaye . . . Reading with others is a blast! Now if I could actually do it!! :)

    Alexia561 . . . Thanks for the cheers!

    bethany (dreadlock girl) . . . Thanks for hosting!! You did a great job!!

    Tiffany Norris . . . Thanks!

    I Heart Monster . . . It was great discovering you during the read-a-thon!

    MissAttitude . . . Didn't quite make the 7 posts, but it was still fun!

    Ash . . . Thanks for visiting! And, yes some is better than none!!


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