Sunday, October 25, 2009

Read-A-Thon Wrap-Up

I am so proud to say that I have completed my very first read-a-thon!! I really had a great time, despite the fact that I did not meet my goals and had many distractions! We have an amazing piece of artwork that the kids are proud of, hanging in what will be our new reading area. I was able to relax and enjoy some books, and ultimately de-stress (at least a bit) from a stressful few weeks. All, and all, it was a great time and I have every intention of coming back (hopefully stronger!) in the next one. Oh, and did I mention I even won a prize?!?! Yep! It's been good!!

Well, here is our wrap-up numbers along with a picture of our final reading tree . . .

Tif's Progress Report

Time Spent Reading: 4 hours, 4 minutes*
Pages Read: 189 pages*
Posts Written: 9 (6 read-a-thon related, 2 reviews, 1 wish list)
Stories Completed: 1*

*These three numbers I was not personally happy with! I surpassed my goal of the 7 posts written, but the rest was very disappointing. I simply feel that there were too many distractions, even after the kids went to bed! BUT . . . check out the kids' progress!!

Kids' Progress Report

Books Read: 13
Leafs Complete: 15

Even though I was not happy with my personal progress, I am VERY happy with the kids' progress!! They did such a great job and I am so proud of my little readers!!!

When I post my Sunday Synopsis later this evening, I will include a full listing there of my read-a-thon posts. Until later . . .

Did you meet your personal goals for the read-a-thon? What was your favorite part of the event?


  1. Congratulations!! I'm so glad you had a great time - I think the fun is the best part of the readathon!

  2. The fun is definitely the best part!! Thanks for cheering me on!!

  3. And your kids did a great job, too! (I meant to add that in my comment but forgot!)

  4. Thanks Belle!! I will pass your comment on to them as well!! :)

  5. Hmmm...which is more important, them reading or you? I guess you can't really compare the two.

  6. It sounds like you had a great readathon, Tif! I love the idea of a tree--I wish I was still a kid so I could do fun stuff like that. :)

  7. J.T. . . . Good point! Very good point!! :)

    heidenkind . . . Who says you can't now?!?! :)


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