Saturday, October 24, 2009

Read-A-Thon Check-In #1

I thought it was about time to post an update!! Things have been going slower than I had expected this morning, but we are still making progress and that is what matters! I've almost finished my first book (though I will admit that it was one that I was half-way done with before the read-a-thon started). It's a more difficult read, one that I can't get into as much as I would like with two kids hanging off my arms!! Oh well!! The next book should be one that I can easily get lost in!! Anyways, here's the latest numbers. I will post a picture of our Reading Tree the next time I post.

Tif's Progress Report

Time Spent Reading: 1 hour 23 minutes
Pages Read: 67 pages
Blog Posts Written: 2

The Kids' Progress Report

Books Read: 5
Leafs Complete: 6*

*Leaves are greater than books when I read a book out loud to both kids. They both get to make their own leaf for the Reading Tree!


  1. Books are awesome
    Books are great
    Congratulations on reading so much
    You’re first rate!

  2. So far, so good! Can't wait to see those leaves go up on the tree! But the kids are ahead of you, so better catch up! :D

    Have fun!

  3. Hope all is going well now that we are into the 8th hour of the Read-a-Thon :) This is Louise cheering from Copenhagen, Denmark...

  4. Woo hoo! You're doing great! Hope you're having fun so far! READ! READ! READ!

  5. Five books read? That is amazing.
    Its the 11th hour of the Read-a-Thon. How are you holding up? I'm cheering for you. You can do it!!!

  6. softdrink . . Thank you! I'm loving your little diddies!!

    Alexia561 . . . I never did catch up!! Oh well!! Maybe next time!!

    Louise . . . Wow!! Love the long distance cheer!!

    Somer . . . We did have fun!! Thanks for the cheers!!

    Louise . . . It was five books for the kids!! I didn't make it even that close!!


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